Dear Minister,
My name is Wailer and I’m the Director of Outreach at Proven Ministries. We are a non-profit dedicated to restoring sexual integrity throughout the entire Bride of Christ. Knowing that your time is precious and that your energies are much in demand, I will keep this brief.
We are ready to partner with you.
Our program, which has delivered literally thousands of men and women from their various sexual sins and addictions, is a twelve-week curricular engagement with a Proven Mentor. Because you matter so much as a shepherd, we have tailor-made a full year of this mentoring relationship for ministers like yourself. Furthermore, we have seen this process work for so many individuals, from diverse backgrounds and demographics, that we are confident you will find “everything you need pertaining to life and godliness” in the good stewardship that we demonstrate.
Did you know that anywhere from 60% to 80% of pastors anonymously admit to a struggle with sexual sin? If you are among those numbers, we have not come to bring you shame. Instead, we have come to bring you healing, restoration, and vitality. Perhaps this is not your problem personally. Do you know a pastor who would need this kind of deliverance?
Once you reach out to us for assistance, we are under no compulsion whatsoever to disclose your partnership with us. In fact, we are determined to insulate your namesake to every extent practicable. Our highest priority is to protect your dignity.
Please reach out to me through the confidential form above. Truly, it would be my good pleasure to make your acquaintance. I want the very best things for you, and I want to do whatever I can to bring those things into your life!