Do you spend a lot of time in front of a screen, even if you don’t consider it an addiction? What about your kids? What kind of entertainment do you pursue, either with your family or when you are alone? Who among us can say that if unbelievers observed our lives–the obvious and the secret–for a day, would what they saw point them to Christ? Would our lives look different than their own?
God calls us to be holy, to be separate. We are to “deny ourselves” and follow Him. If we indulge our sensual urges in ways that do not please God, then we are not denying ourselves. We are not following Him.
The Enemy Lies
Satan wants us to believe whatever we turn to instead of God is “not that bad.” He deceives into believing we don’t have an addiction. My craving for sugar is not just a “sweet tooth.” I turn to sugar to “fix” my feelings. I’ve done it so much that I am addicted to sugar. I don’t like admitting that to myself, much less the internet world.
What is your addiction? How do you entertain yourself or forget the stress of the day?
- Is it an inappropriate R-rated action flick?
- Maybe a few minutes watching porn on your phone while you’re in the bathroom?
- Playing Grand Theft Auto with your buddies?
- What about a few too many glasses of wine or the long phone call with your best friend gossiping about the ladies in your neighborhood or at church?
Listen to Wisdom
This podcast by John Piper convicted me, as a mother and as a believer. Am I convinced that God is better than “the fleeting pleasure of sin” (Hebrew 11:24-25). Listen to his word or read the transcript and ask yourself what sits on Christ’s throne in your life. Do you know how to identify and break your entertainment addiction and desire God?
How do I break my Entertainment Addiction? | Desiring God by John Piper
If you’re struggling with pornography, take a few minutes to read this post about 3 Ways to Overcome Porn Addiction.
post by Joanna VanDeWater