The Two Keys to Victory: How I stopped masturbating and looking at porn after 25 years of addiction by Joel Hesch, founder of Proven Ministries Introduction The struggle with porn,…
Category: Why Purity Matters
The Best Gift for Valentine’s Day
Reflections from a hapless middle schooler When I was in Middle School, I was terrified that somebody might out me for never having kissed a girl before. As I’ve looked…
Parenting and Sexual Integrity
By: Kent Evans 3 min. read Parenting on Purpose It’s important, as parents, that we play good defense regarding sexual temptation. The Bible tells us to flee sexual immorality…
Is Sexual Integrity Legalism?
5 minute read By: Shane James O’Neill Revolution and Legalism People brought up in church often think people in the world are having a blast, pursuing pleasure however they…
How Shame and Boredom Feed Lust
By: Lexie LaVallee Barren Passions Most porn users struggle with deep-seated shame. Porn rewires your brain and your emotions and it severely messes with your creativity. When you’re giving…
Porn Is Not Victimless
By: Lexie LaVallee rape, Porn, and Trafficking If you haven’t read my story, it would help for you to know that I was trafficked as a child. Do you…
The Reason Why Porn Is Everywhere
By: Dane Skelton Stories from a Pastor The man shaking my hand after church said, “My porn addiction cost me my job and I had to move. My wife…
How Porn Damages The Brain
By: Lexie LaVallee It might sound extreme to hear that porn has a severe effect on your brain. I mean, how can something you look at have such a…
3 Ways the Gospel Speaks Into Your Sexual Struggle
By: Shane James O’Neill The gospel does a lot. The Gospel has given explanation and meaning to our origin and our history, and it gives an incredible hope of…
Jesus, Your Body, and 5 Dead Porn Stars
By: Shane James O’Neill 5 young female porn stars have died in the last 3 months. All of them from self-inflicted homicides, through overdosing on drugs or suicide. But…
3 Ways to Heal From Porn
By: Shane James O’Neill Have you or someone you care about ever been damaged by the scars of pornography? It isn’t enough to say that porn just affects our…
By: Lexie Smith What’s happening If you’ve been on social media this week, you will have seen your feed filled with posts including a hashtag #MeToo. It all came…
Why Does Purity Even Matter!?
By: Shane James O’Neill Confused by Paul In Colossians 1:24 Paul says something seemingly funky: “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am…
5 Ways to Encourage Sexual Purity in the Church
There’s little doubt that pornography has a devastating impact on individuals and the church body. The question is not if porn is a problem in the church, but how the…