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Episode Summary
Watching porn has become common, casual sex has largely replaced dating, and our malls and movies market sex. All of this is due to the Sexual Revolution.
Hearing a neighbor say, “I am a woman trapped in a man’s body,” would have made no sense two generations ago, even someone in a secular context. Yet today that sentence is a credible reality for most people.
We know the Sexual Revolution has had a massive impact upon our culture, but how many of us can actually describe or define it? Was it a specific event? When did it start? Is it still going on?
In this episode of the Naked Gospel, Shane sits down with historian Carl Trueman to discuss his latest book on the Sexual Revolution: The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self. During this interview, Dr. Trueman helps us see where we are as a culture and how we got here!
What exactly is the Sexual Revolution?
If sexuality has changed so much that we describe the change as a revolution, then how has sexuality been revolutionized?
Has the Sexual Revolution helped in any particular ways?
What is sexual liberation and why did the Sexual Revolution change sexual identity so much?
How has the Sexual Revolution impacted the church?
As a famous and authoritative historian, what do you long to see change in the church and in western culture?
Who is Carl Trueman??
Carl R. Trueman (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is professor of biblical and religious studies at Grove City College. He is an esteemed church historian and previously served as the William E. Simon Fellow in Religion and Public Life at Princeton University. Trueman has authored or edited more than a dozen books, including The Creedal Imperative; Luther on the Christian Life; and Histories and Fallacies. Trueman is a member of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church.