(Listen to this episode on any major podcast platform by looking up The Naked Gospel podcast)
Episode Recap
Last week we interviewed Joel and discussed his addiction to masturbation, his attempt to sleep with one of his wife’s friends, and his road of healing.
This week we talk with Joel’s wife, Theresa.
Theresa shares about their marriage before she discovered her husband’s unfaithfulness, as well as what she experienced when she found out about Joel’s hidden sexual fantasies. She also shares what it was like to learn that her husband tried to sleep with one of her friends.
Theresa walks us through the deep sense of betrayal and confusion. She shares the cost of Joel’s actions upon her, their marriage, and their other relationships. And Theresa shares why she stayed with Joel and what that journey of healing and trust building has looked like.
Today, Joel and Theresa have an incredible marriage and relationship. They have created programs and non-profits to help others who long to experience sexual intimacy and integrity. They counsel new couples, disciple singles, and help foster flourishing marriages.
We interviewed Joel and Theresa because we wanted to know how they got to where they are. And we interviewed Theresa specifically because we wanted to hear how her husband’s hidden sins impacted her.
We hope you appreciate this conversation and resource!
Questions we ask Theresa:
Did you have any sense that your husband was hiding a daily practice of sexual fantasy?
How did you find out Joel’s hidden actions and what was that experience like?
How did you respond when you found out?
Why did you stay with your husband after his betrayal came to light?
How did you work through the sense of shame and embarrassment from your husband’s betrayal?
What was the healing process like?
How did you two rebuild trust?
What did it look like for you to practice companionship with Joel during the healing process while also having boundaries in your relationship with him?
What were some of the moments you sensed Jesus throughout this experience and journey?
How has this significant experience in your marriage reshaped the ways you do marriage and ministry?