Pornography is taking our world by storm – and it’s not stopping at the church doors. Nearly 1/2 of all men struggle with pornography and at Proven Men, we want to see 1 million men find sexual freedom through Christ! The thing is, we can’t do it alone. We need you, as church members, leaders, and followers of Christ to stand firm and lead men to true victory and relationship with Christ. We need a Proven Church.
So, how does it work?
1. Biblical truth
Proven Men is founded on Biblical principles. We understand that there will never be true change without a heart that is focused on God.
2. Accountability
Accountability is what makes Proven Men stand out from other “programs.” It’s about men upholding other men and asking them the hard questions as they walk through life. No secrets. No shame. Only love and support.
3. Community
Similar to accountability, community allows for encouragement and friendship. Satan lies to men every day by getting them to believe that they are the only one struggling. By fostering community, men are built up and enabled to stand firm with others struggling with the same heart issues.
How can your church get involved?
1. Grasp the vision
Our vision is to reach one million men and families by helping those who want help through our 12-week study combined with accountability. Sexual sin is real, but it doesn’t have to destroy. Change has to start somewhere, why not with you?
2. Become A Leader
It only takes one man to have an eternal impact. If you have struggled (or are struggling) with a pornography addiction, you know the hold it has on your life and can identify with the hurting men around you. You don’t have to be pastor or scholar (although you could be!) and you don’t have to be perfect. You just have to have a heart that is willing to be used by God. If you can read a book and push play on a video – you can be a Proven Men leader. Grab a study and a couple of men to get started – you will have everything you need in our packet.
3. Train Others
Once your first 12-weeks have been completed, encourage the men in your group to start their own groups. Expand the vision through the men who have been impacted. Jesus made disciples who then went out and made disciples. We want to foster the same model.
Proven Men is not a band-aid that covers up the real issue. It faces the problems head on – starting with the heart. There are men in your church that hurting, lonely, and being controlled by sin. Will you help your church become a Proven Church?