how to sexually reset your brain
Nowadays sex is everywhere in our atmosphere. It’s become part of the everyday air that we breathe. Our culture is saturated by the sexualization of everything, from entertainment to product placement to identity politics. A place as innocuous as the checkout isle in a grocery store has a body accosted by the sexy displays of tabloids and fitness magazines, and of course the overtly marketed publications on how to re-wild your sex-life. “One thousand ways to please your partner!” How that gimmick still sells time and again indicates how overstimulated and how starved our culture has become by the false allure of sex as the sum total of life. How to sexually reset your brain… it that even possible‽
creatures of habit
Nature and nurture are each inherent components of our character and identity. We are products of our environment. It’s also true that we become what we constantly do. Even if someone is born with prodigious talent, they do not become a scion of their craft without regular practice. This rule of formation is true in our vices and our virtues alike. The things that we present our bodies to most frequently are the primary determiners of our personal development. Accordingly, when someone dedicates any regular amount of time to pornography, then that is the kind of person they increasingly become. Unwittingly, they have engaged in a negatively impacting curriculum of how to sexually reset your brain.
Altering one’s destination requires a change of course. That might seem stupidly obviously. Nevertheless, I cannot begin to convey how many people wish that God would simply remove the desire for pornography from them. As if He ever incinerates any aspects of our being to begin with! If we survey the Scriptural record, we will not find a single instance in which God forces Himself on anyone, most especially not in a transformative connotation. His tendency is only to inhabit those spaces that we make for His Presence. Concurrently, if we do nothing to invite His arrival, then He tends to remain in a standby capacity.
out of the ordinary
If someone wants to know how to sexually reset your brain, the answer might seem simplistic. Regardless, as simple as the “how to” protocol might be, it is nonetheless true. Even despite the apparent frustration, the path of character formation is always simple in design. The only complication is in our own confusion and conflicting intentions.
A local pastor recently told me that sex is like the fireplace inside your house. It is beautiful and life giving in its proper place. But if that fire gets outside that containment, then the house is destroyed. Our participation in sex is very much like that. We must have the structural integrity of a well-built house around skilled masonry in order to enjoy the benefits of sex without destruction.
All that a person needs to do at first: commit to a plan.
cultivation of imagination
Thing one: shift your focus. Our imaginations are like our bodies – they become what we feed them. In order to even begin to know how to sexually reset your brain, stop ingesting those things that deform your mind. Pornography is designed to hijack your nervous system, to reduce your capacity for original thought and creativity. Even worse, a steady diet of pornography dements your perception of people altogether. They necessarily become objects of gratification. Because this is what you have trained your mind to do.
The transition won’t be easy, but it will be good. Any change of habit requires routine reinforcement until it becomes natural, instinctive. For instance, if you decided to become a sketch artist, at very first you would begin looking at things differently. The initial drawings will be clumsy, but in time you’d begin to see the world differently. Shape, shadow and substance become increasingly apparent the more often you draw. The same is true regarding our imagination of sex as well as people. “How to sexually reset your brain” is essentially a lifestyle of meditating exclusively on good things. Clearly, pornography is never a good thing.
The next steps are straightforward and uncomplicated as well. Perhaps you cannot imagine it yet, but you can take encouragement in the knowledge that many have gone before you! A new way of living in your own headspace really is available to you. All that it takes is consistency.
– C. T. Giles