Imagine a world created in baffling beauty and extravagant elegance.
A world of incomprehensible intricacy yet daily ease of interaction.
Here we are capable of breathing in our joys, breathing out songs.
In this place, we are permeated by infinite wonders and ineffable mysteries.
Our birthright is nothing short of divinity taking up residence in our very bodies.
Imagine a world in which God Himself has become an integral part of the story.
The paradox of His transcendence and imminence is observable throughout the centuries.
Being the Creator was never enough for His purposes.
He has desired the most intimate of relationships from the very start.
And we are so privileged to have been the object of His greatest affections.
Now, imagine a world in which the average American consumes 40 hours of TV weekly.
A world in which the vast majority of churchgoers are struggling with pornography.
Here we are consigned to the worst of passivity as the world erases us and the Kingdom awaits us.
In this place, we are inundated with sexuality gratuitous enough to make Casanova blush.
Our inheritance is little better than squandered as we practice horrid habits with our own bodies as well as others’.
Imagine a world that has become normalized to the sex trafficking of minors, children, even infants…
…the ruthless savagery in which the umbilical cord is still attached during molestation.
Being a mere abuser is not enough for their purposes.
They fetishize the worst dehumanizations with every waking moment.
And we are morally responsible for the fallout of this global catastrophe.
What you are imagining is our own world.
I am unwilling to accept the status quo.
I refuse to relent against the injustice.
Whatever the cost – we cannot pay dearly enough to exact righteousness in a world gone mad.
If the statistics are true, it isn’t just churchgoers caught up in the madness.
Over 50% of pastors will anonymously admit to a pornography addiction.
Considering the first century believers, can you imagine a world in which half of the apostles, bishops, evangelists, pastors were going to Temples of Aphrodite to participate in sex cults? That is something that I cannot imagine. The New Testament would never have come into existence were that the case. You and I would not exist in our extant faith communities if they had behaved so. But now we live in a world in which Aphrodite has her prostitutes and gigolos telecommuting to work. The pastor doesn’t need to sneak away to her temples any longer. That pernicious goddess has brought the outskirts of her temple into his home. Baal and Ashtoreth have taken up residence in our places of worship. We continue to bend our knees to incubus and succubus alike. The idols reside within everyone’s phones.
It doesn’t have to be this way…
If you are struggling, we are here to help. The process is quite simple. You simply have to be willing to act.
And if you really want to help us in the fight, then please connect us with your church. Our very best work always takes place in collaboration with local assemblies. The time has come to destroy the idols in our midst. Whatever goes on in the surrounding culture, the Church is long overdue to clean up her own house. Any Bible reader can tell you what happens to God’s people when they do not repent and take action in obedience.
Imagine a world in which Christians are once again renowned for their sexual integrity.
This could be our world…
– C. T. Giles