For all other podcast platforms: The Naked Gospel podcast
Christians struggle with porn.
But sometimes it feels easier to give up than to keep trying and failing.
Similarly, churches keep trying to find integrity resources that will actually help. And even when a church does try something they believe will be effective, people with sins they’re ashamed of are unlikely to respond to a public announcement.
So, whether we’re talking individuals or churches, we’re asking the same question: How can Christians actually get free from porn?
And what can churches do that will actually help members who are struggling with something that they’re afraid to even admit that they are struggling with?
This episode answers those questions in a practical step-by-step guide.
Wailer, the Director of Outreach for Proven Ministries, has helped hundreds of men who love Jesus and yet they can’t stop watching porn. And he also works with churches to show them exactly how they can do it too.
Wailer joins us to discuss how a Christian who has watched porn their entire life can find freedom from porn for the rest of their life.
He also shares how churches can offer their people an integrity resource they know will work, and how to offer that resource so people will actually come forward and use it.
Episode questions:
What exactly can individuals and churches do to have the kind of freedom from porn that they want?
What are the exact steps an individual can take and get freedom from pornography?
In your experience, what is the step that is most difficult for individuals?
What is a step-by-step guide that churches can use to help their members?
How can churches offer this help to their members when they’re already hiding their struggle?