the saga begins
January of 2018 marked my first formal engagement with the ministry. I was a relatively new acquaintance to Shane O’Neill, host of Proven Ministries’ Naked Gospel Podcast. We were on the fast track to lasting friendship, but we didn’t quite know it at the time. My predecessor and (now) good friend, Marshall Shank, as well as the ministry’s Executive Director, Nick Liberto, were still largely unknown to me. That was when they collectively posted my first article on this very blog. When I was writing about the multi-generational legacy of my family, that inheritance for my children, how precious little did I know about the relationship between pornography and the sex trafficking of minors.
Fast forward 5 years, and I’ve been working for the ministry in a full-time capacity as the Director of Outreach for over six months. No one is more surprised by that turn of events than I am. And here I find myself assuming command of the blog-space! I’m not sure whether fate loves irony or if she kindly suffers fools on occasion. Maybe a bit of both.
the rude awakening

the eternal solution

Please, by God, at the very least, remove yourself from any participation in the worst of all current evils. Our Encouragement Series has been such a helpful resource for countless individuals. Sign up today – it’s free! This simple next step could very well determine not only your freedom, but that of untold numbers of victims as well. Isn’t that worth a few minutes of your time?