By: Shane James O’Neill 2 min read Sexual integrity isn’t easy to maintain. We can’t passively wage war against a cultural force, we need to be desperate in our…
How To Handle Your Sin
By: Shane James O’Neill Uncle Des My uncle died a few years ago. Uncle Des. He was the man. He was a Father in the Catholic Orders, studied at…
Marriage — More Than A Fairy Tale
By: Kyle Thorp Love in the Movies Actress Scarlett Johansson, in an interview talking about her second divorce, said, “I don’t think it’s natural to be a monogamous person….
Dating a Recovering Porn Addict
By: Lexie Smith How We Met Dating in today’s world is tough. Especially when you graduated with a degree in psychology and did a bunch of research on how…
Same Sex Attraction — The Advice I Wish I’d Had
By: Kyle Thorp Growing up Most people would describe puberty as a confusing time in their life. Dealing with social challenges and adjusting to physical changes is enough to cause…
De-Constructing Sex-Bots
By: Shane James O’Neill Disclaimer: In this post Proven Men references articles and films for the sake of critique, not recommendation. The referenced material does contain explicit content. LOOKING CLOSELY The…
Sex Trafficked! The New Normal
By: Lexie Smith Growing up Normal According to Child Safe Education, 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before age 18. That stat…
Porn. Secrecy. Ash.
By: Shane James O’Neill hiding Watching porn is a very secret activity. It’s one of those things we desperately don’t want people to know we’re doing, and we certainly…
Why Do Some People Experience Same-Sex Attraction?
By: Kyle Thorp Avoidance Romans chapter 1 is one of the harder passages of the Bible to swallow. I remember studying it with my Bible Quiz team in ninth…
Sex Bots: Cheating God’s Design
By: Jane Claudio Basics from the Playground Cheaters never win. This is something that we learned early, something we chanted from the playground. If you’re not playing by the…
The Life I Didn’t Expect — Kyle’s Story
By: Kyle Thorp How my story begins I grew up in the picture-perfect Christian household. My father was the Sunday School coordinator at our church. My mother homeschooled my…
Cultural Conversations on Sexuality
By: Shane O’Neill ProvenMen likes to keep you up to date on the cultural conversations about porn, sexuality, gender and how these topics are being addressed. Below is a list and…
Are You Creating Altars or Idols?
By: Shane James O’Neill This is an introduction to a topic that ProvenMen will regularly be addressing. Here at ProvenMen our values include the need for structured affirmation (aka ceremony). Men are…
Following Jesus But Living Like Hell
By: Shane James O’Neill Matthew 5:22-24 The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if…
Why Does Purity Even Matter!?
By: Shane James O’Neill Confused by Paul In Colossians 1:24 Paul says something seemingly funky: “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am…
But Does Porn Really Affect Marriage..? Jennifer’s Story – Part 2
Read part 1 of Jennifer’s story, here. By: Jennifer Troutt “Sex Addict” We were damaged and our marriage was in pieces. So, we decided to meet with our pastor…
By: Jennifer Troutt Where To Start? It’s hard to determine where my story begins. Was it late that Wednesday night when I found out about the porn? Or, was it when…
Practices of Righteousness
Written by: Shane James O’Neill 1 John 3:6-8, 10 “No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or…
10 Ways to BE ON GUARD
In order to fight the battle with pornography, you need to stop looking at it. We need to rewire the pathways in our brain. Your brain has become hardwired to…
Who Should Become a Proven Men Leader?
97% of Christian men have viewed pornography. What can the church do to help members overcome this temptation? If you or someone you know has struggled with a pornography addiction,…
What is the Church Saying about Sexual Purity?
Sexual purity isn’t a new topic of discussion within the church. Even early church members addressed sexual purity, seeking truth in the midst of the lies their culture proclaimed. A…
5 Ways to Encourage Sexual Purity in the Church
There’s little doubt that pornography has a devastating impact on individuals and the church body. The question is not if porn is a problem in the church, but how the…
2 Bible Stories About Sexual Integrity, and How to Teach Them
The Bible gives us many life lessons, including how to handle some uncomfortable discussions regarding sexual integrity. Below are some examples from the Bible with lessons for today. Joseph and…
7 Ways Pornography Has Reshaped Sex and Relationships
Porn has done a lot to change our culture’s values of sex and relationships, leading many down a path of darkness, pain, confusion, and division. Proven Men seeks to help…